Results for 'A. Velasco Gómez'

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  1. David Pérez Chico & Luisa Paz Rodríguez Suárez, eds. 2011. Explicar y Comprender (A. Velasco Gómez). [REVIEW]A. Velasco Gómez - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (1):167-169.
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    Toward a political philosophy of science.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2004 - Philosophy Today 48 (5):116-121.
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Opinions of nurses regarding conscientious objection.Rafael Toro-Flores, Pilar Bravo-Agüi, María Victoria Catalán-Gómez, Marisa González-Hernando, María Jesús Guijarro-Cenisergue, Margarita Moreno-Vázquez, Isabel Roch-Hamelin & Tamara Raquel Velasco-Sanz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1027-1038.
    Background: In the last decades, there have been important developments in the scientific and technological areas of healthcare. On certain occasions this provokes conflict between the patients' rights and the values of healthcare professionals which brings about, within this clinical relationship, the problem of conscientious objection. Aims: To learn the opinions that the Nurses of the Madrid Autonomous Community have regarding conscientious objection. Research design: Cross-cutting descriptive study. Participants and research context: The nurses of 9 hospitals and 12 Health Centers (...)
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    PRO VELASCO, Mª LUISA, Introducción a la ética de Robert Spaemann, Comares, Granada, 2021, 158 pp. [REVIEW]Miriam Ramos-Gómez - 2021 - Anuario Filosófico 54 (2):395-398.
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    Realismo político y crítica ética: una tensión esencial. Comentarios al libro El Poder y el Valor de Luis Villoro.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 1998 - Isegoría 19:151-156.
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    To Think in Spanish in the Multiculturalistic Ibero-American World.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2008 - Arbor 184 (734).
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  8. Poder, libertad y democracia en el pensamiento político moderno.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 1993 - Dianoia 39:75-86.
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  9. La concepción republicana de Kant.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2005 - Episteme 25 (2):109-122.
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  10. La tarjeta sanitaria y su importancia en el acceso de los inmigrantes al Sistema Nacional de Salud en la ciudad de Barcelona.Ana María Vinasco & César Velasco - 2019 - In R. Mendoza, Estrella Gualda Caballero & Markus Spinatsch (eds.), La mediación intercultural en la atención sanitaria a inmigrantes y minorías étnicas: modelos, estudios, programas y práctica profesional: una visión internacional. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.
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  11. Utilizaçao de metaheurısticas para a modelagem de problemas de seleçao de partes e” scheduling” em um sistema de manufatura flexıvel.A. G. Rodrigues & A. T. Gómez - 2000 - Scientia 11:17-47.
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    Cine y pensamiento.Porfirio Cardona Restrepo, Freddy Santamaría Velasco, Juan Osorio-Villegas & Alejandro Tomasini Bassols (eds.) - 2017 - Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
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    El acuerdo con las FARC. Una revisión en torno a su utilidad.Paula A. Valencia & Pedro Francés-Gómez - 2019 - Télos 22 (1-2):9-32.
    The article “Diálogos de paz en Colombia: una Mirada desde la justicia del resarcimiento”[1] holds that the end-of-conflict agreement signed by the Colombian government and the FARC does not bring any general utility; specially because of the absolute impunity that Transitional Justice implies. The deal is dubbed “utilitarian”, meaning that the agreement was made in the personal interests of those who intervened in it -Government and guerrilla-. In contrast, this article will defend the general utility of the agreement and show (...)
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    The sweetest thing: the influence of angularity, symmetry, and the number of elements on shape-valence and shape-taste matches.Alejandro Salgado-Montejo, Jorge A. Alvarado, Carlos Velasco, Carlos J. Salgado, Kendra Hasse & Charles Spence - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Atmósferas sonoras y experiencias táctiles: Procesos encarnados y estéticas multisensoriales.Ximena A. González-Grandón, Ainhoa Suárez Gómez, Mauricio García De la Torre, Evoé Sotelo Montaño & Katia Castañeda Urzúa - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a723.
    Este artículo explora la gestualidad multisensorial, háptica y motriz como forma de habitar las atmósferas. Contribuye al desarrollo de epistemologías relacionales sobre la dimensión corporal, al abordar la experiencia corporeizada vivida con entornos aéreos, materiales, ecológicos y sociales, en lugar de centrarse en el significado conceptual y semántico para su explicación. El marco conceptual, se basa en la teoría de las affordances, las ciencias cognitivas enactivas y la fenomenología, que ofrecen una vía para configurar la interacción piel-atmósfera. Consideramos la unidad (...)
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  16. El criterio de "verdad efectiva" de Nicolás Maquiavelo.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 1985 - Dianoia 31 (31):25-36.
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    Latin American Perspectives on Globalization: Ethics, Politics, and Alternative Visions.Linda Martín Alcoff, Debra A. Castillo, Santiago Castro-Gómez, Rafael Cervantes Martínez, Felipe Gil Chamizo, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Jorge J. E. Gracia, María Mercedes Jaramillo, María Pía Lara-Zavala, Eduardo Mendieta, Walter Mignolo, Iván Petrella, Roberto Regalado Álvarez, Mario Sáenz, Ofelia Schutte & Leopoldo Zea (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    From the most prominent thinkers in Latin American philosophy, literature, politics, and social science comes a challenge to conventional theories of globalization. The contributors to this volume imagine a discourse in which revolution requires no temporalized march of progress or takeovers of state power but instead aims at local control and the material conditions for human dignity.
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    El pluralismo filosófico de León Olivé.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2017 - Isegoría 56:391-394.
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    Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez (1915-2011): republicano, filósofo y humanista.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2012 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 27 (2):237-242.
  20. La hermeneutización de la filosofía de la ciencia contemporánea.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 1995 - Dianoia 41 (41):53.
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  21. Deep Conventionalism about Evolutionary Groups.Matthew J. Barker & Joel D. Velasco - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):971-982.
    We argue for a new conventionalism about many kinds of evolutionary groups, including clades, cohesive units, and populations. This rejects a consensus, which says that given any one of the many legitimate grouping concepts, only objective biological facts determine whether a collection is such a group. Surprisingly, being any one kind of evolutionary group typically depends on which of many incompatible values are taken by suppressed variables. This is a novel pluralism underlying most any one group concept, rather than a (...)
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  22.  1
    Santo, Santidad y Santonismo Sufíes.Mohammed Dahiri & Francisco Sayáns Gómez - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e92728.
    El sufismo es una corriente estrictamente islámica cuyos seguidores se entregan a la práctica de un misticismo de base ascética en un ambiente religioso de gran ritualidad. Es característica fundamental del sufismo la imprescindible participación de un maestro de espíritu que asume el papel de guía en la formación del novicio devoto, facilitando su progresión en el Camino. Algunos de estos personajes, poseedores de gran carisma y detentadores de virtudes extraordinarias y ejemplares, llegaron a despertar, primero en sus educandos y (...)
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  23. Pluralidad de tradiciones, racionalidad y multiculturalismo.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2011 - Estudios Filosóficos 60 (173):27-40.
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  24. Tres palabras mayores de Luis Villoro: justicia, democracia y multiculturalismo.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2009 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 34:231-234.
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    The Hermeneutic Conception of Scientific Traditions in Karl R. Popper.Ambrosio Velasco Gomez - 2007 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 93 (1):129.
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    A multimodal logic for closeness.A. Burrieza, E. Muñoz-Velasco & M. Ojeda-Aciego - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3):225-237.
    We introduce a multimodal logic for order of magnitude reasoning which considers a new logic-based alternative to the notion of closeness, we provide an axiom system and prove its soundness and completeness.
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    Youth activisms: debates to address youth collective ac-tion in a changing world.Gomer Betancor Nuez, Emma Gómez Nicolau & Yolanda Agudo Arroyo - 2024 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 29 (2).
    The analysis of youth activisms in a global context has gained increasing relevance in the sub-field of social movements. This monograph addresses some of the key challenges and debates surrounding the understanding of young people’s roles in contemporary protests, as well as the various meanings that political participation holds within a generational context. The central points of debate include the consideration of new contexts of politicization, the transnational dynamics of struggles, the emergence of global feminisms, the rise of conservative reactions, (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Fray Alonso de la Veracruz: fundador del republicanismo mexicano.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2008 - Tópicos 34:209-221.
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    Hacia una filosofía social de la ciencia en Karl R. Popper.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 6 (11s):71-84.
    Popper is commonly considered as an analytical philosopher who focuses on epistemological and methodological aspects of scientific development, disregarding any social, cultural or political consideration. Against this popular image of Popper’s philosophy, I argue in this paper that Popper’s acco..
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    Liberalismo y republicanismo: dos tradiciones en la democratización en México.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 1998 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12:116-138.
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    Relational autonomy: lessons from COVID-19 and twentieth-century philosophy.Carlos Gómez-Vírseda & Rafael Amo Usanos - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):493-505.
    COVID-19 has turned many ethical principles and presuppositions upside down. More precisely, the principle of respect for autonomy has been shown to be ill suited to face the ethical challenges posed by the current health crisis. Individual wishes and choices have been subordinated to public interests. Patients have received trial therapies under extraordinary procedures of informed consent. The principle of respect for autonomy, at least in its mainstream interpretation, has been particularly questioned during this pandemic. Further reflection on the nature (...)
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  32. Estrategia politica y supervivencia. Consideradones para una valoración histórica del fenòmeno etolio en el siglo IH a. de C.Fj Gómez Espelosfn - 1989 - Polis 1:63-80.
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    Faster shift-reduce constituent parsing with a non-binary, bottom-up strategy.Daniel Fernández-González & Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 275 (C):559-574.
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  34. Objectivism about Color and Comparative Color Statements. Reply to Hansen.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2017 - Noûs 51 (2):429-435.
    Nat Hansen builds a new argument for subjectivism about the semantics of color language, based on a potential kind of intersubjective disagreements about comparative color statements. In reply, I note that the disagreements of this kind are merely hypothetical, probably few if actual, and not evidently relevant as test cases for a semantic theory. Furthermore, even if they turned out to be actual and semantically relevant, they would be intuitively unusable by the subjectivist.
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    Entropy and a sub-group of geometric measures of paths predict the navigability of an environment.D. Yesiltepe, P. Fernández Velasco, A. Coutrot, A. Ozbil Torun, J. M. Wiener, C. Holscher, M. Hornberger, R. Conroy Dalton & H. J. Spiers - 2023 - Cognition 236 (C):105443.
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    Ontología política desde América Latina.Idrobo Velasco, Jhon Alexánder, Orrego Echeverría & Israel Arturo (eds.) - 2021 - Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Ediciones USTA.
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    Trayectorias corporales y lecturas contrahegemónicas del cuerpo.Arantxa Grau Muñoz & Emma Gómez Nicolau - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (1).
    Developments in the sociology of the body and the sociology of health impel us to investigate embodiment resistances against hegemonic biomedical definitions of normativity. Bearing in mind that the body is a social object defined by institutions, the analysis of body itineraries leads us to glimpse modes of subversion, resistance and destabilization of biomedical definitions. This article deals with the role of modern science and technology in the observation and diagnosis of the body and its consequences in the definition of (...)
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    La fundamentación de la ética aristotélica.Alfonso Gómez Lobo - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (1):17-37.
    The main claim of this paper is that the ergon inference (NE I 7) does not entail a step from the characteristic activity of man to the good of man. The speciílcation of the ergon is required for the evaluation of anything that has a function, but the evaluation itself is logically independent of that specification.
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    Marginalia. La independencia literaria en Hispanoamérica.Juan Guillermo Gómez García - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (144):5-27.
    Se plantean los problemas y algunas temáticas características de la "independencia literaria" en Hispanoamérica, a la luz de la coyuntura de la emancipación política de España. Este tema desborda los marcos temporales o la periodización de las guerras de independencia; recorre todo el siglo XIX y pa..
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  40. Arte, juego y fiesta en Gadamer.Óscar Lorca Gómez - 2005 - A Parte Rei 41:5.
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    La competencia reflexiva clave de la profesionalización docente.Ma Victoria Gómez Serés - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (5):91-103.
    El artículo que a continuación se presenta, forma parte de la tesis doctoral1 donde se presenta una actual investigación sobre la llamada Competencia Reflexiva en el marco del desarrollo profesional de los docentes. Se profundiza en el concepto de competencia profesional y se realiza un exhaustivo estudio de las competencias de la profesión docente que han fijado diferentes países2 hasta llegar a la relevante aportación sobre la competencia reflexiva. Desde el análisis de la praxis docente la investigación consigue determinar el (...)
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    La audacia de la libertad: homenaje a Agustín Andreu.Agustín Andreu Rodrigo, Isabel Fresco Otero, Fernando Velasco Fernández & Javier Zamora Bonilla (eds.) - 2009 - Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
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    Ética participativa em Bakhtin. Pandemia e pansemia.Pampa Arán & Ariel Gómez Ponce - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (4):57-74.
    ABSTRACT The philosophical project that Bakhtin conceived at the beginning of the 20th century aims to find a moral philosophy that modifies the performance of man in daily life and in culture. The date [1924?] on which its writing is presumed would indicate the direction that Bakhtinian thought was taking, proposing an utopian cultural transformation in a time marked by enormous political tensions, and the social construction of a real subject, whose moral responsibility historically situated would turn into a mode (...)
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    Slavoj Žižek. Repetir Bakunin.Antonio Gómez Villar - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):135-142.
    La pregunta que articula este artículo es acerca del tipo de sujeto que se esconde tras los requisitos formales del acto en Žižek. ¿Quiénes son los sujetos empíricos implicados en su concepción de acto? El acto lo es sin sujeto, carece de explicación causalista; sin embargo, si bien no aporta una noción positiva con contornos específicos y un contenido determinado, sí existe una dimensión sociológica implícita. ¿Dónde ubica sociológicamente ese “universal concreto”? Si el efecto más inmediato de lo que Žižek (...)
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    Virajes conceptuales. Notas sobre los Inbegriffe en los escritos de la historia del ser.César Gómez Algarra - 2023 - Studia Heideggeriana 12:239-254.
    En varios textos de los años 1929-30, Heidegger presenta los conceptos fundamentales de la metafísica como conceptos inclusivos: Inbegriffe. Sin embargo, al poco tiempo y en el trascurso del camino que le conduce al viraje (die Kehre), el filósofo se opone de manera radical a la tradición metafísica. No obstante, la pertinencia y la legitimidad de los conceptos inclusivos se mantiene, sirviéndole para elaborar un pensar distinto de la filosofía subjetiva, moderna y representativa. En este artículo, exploramos el sentido y (...)
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    Existencia y actualidad: prueba ontológica y causalidad inmanente de acuerdo con Hartshorne.Modesto M. Gómez Alonso - 2013 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 46:125-147.
    Las pretensiones del autor son: (i) Describir la versión modal de la prueba ontológica propuesta por Charles Hartshorne, una versión que enfatiza la anomalía modal del concepto de Dios, que demuestra que las dos únicas alternativas metafísicas coherentes son el positivismo y un teísmo basado en la noción de “necesidad bajo condiciones tautológicas”, y que vindica esta última opción apelando a una filosofía del proceso inspirada en Whitehead y cuya herramienta conceptual básica es la distinción entre existencia y actualidad. (ii) (...)
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    Dignity and Equality in Women’s Health Issues to Inspire an Ethics of Care.Alberto García Gómez & Angela Colotti - 2022 - The New Bioethics 28 (3):196-198.
    A careful observation of the phenomenon of human life allows us to understand that from the beginning of the human life cycle until its destruction, the existence of each subject is deeply marked b...
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    Demonstrative contents and opaque thoughts. Reply to Valente.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (4):130-141.
    Matheus Valente presents a number of examples designed to show that my theory of reference fixing for demonstratives violates the desideratum that demonstrative thoughts should be transparent to speakers. In this note I argue that the alleged desideratum is not really such and defend my theory against other criticisms made by Valente.
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    El rol de la razón en el establecimiento de los fines prácticos. Un diálogo con algunas interpretaciones de Aristóteles.Laura Gómez - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 65:113-131.
    There is a current debate about the interpretation of the Aristotelian theory of action concerning the role of reason in the establishment of practical ends, given that in some passages Aristotle assigns to character the role of establishing ends, and in others he gives reason the role of government in the soul. How can these two groups of textual evidence be reconciled? In this article I will argue that these two types of evidence explain two different psychological phenomena. For this (...)
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    Ordinary Writing and Scribal Culture in Nineteenth-Century Spain: Memory Books.Antonio Castillo Gómez - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (5):615-631.
    This article is a study of the survival of scribal culture in nineteenth-century Spain in the form of the so-called ‘memory books’ (libros de memorias). I analyse their relationship with the educational developments of the period, as well as the material characteristics and the content of these texts, in order to define their typical features. These texts were the products of hybrid writing practices, in the sense that several elements were frequently superimposed on one another: economic news, personal, family and (...)
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